Tuesday, October 26, 2010





Cohen decorated Christmas cards yesterday morning and I must say that I absolutely love them. Inspired by Amanda Soule, I found a packet of six blank cards and envelopes at the craft fair for $3, with this purpose in mind. (I've since found a packed of 10 for $2.50 at a variety store.) 

Cohen is 22 months old, and this was such a great project for him. He is usually such a busy little boy. But I sat with him and handed him one card at a time, his crayons laid out before him and he was engaged in the activity. The cards are the perfect size for a quick squiggle or a layering of squiggles, and he happily picked each colour and drew each line independently. Producing priceless one of a kind cards for our family and friends. 

I've written on the back of each one '100% hand drawn by Cohen Lowry, 22 months'. And I'm looking forward to repeating this process each year and keeping a dated sample put away with his special things, so as to be able to look back at the progression of cards as he grows.  
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