Tuesday, December 14, 2010



What a lovely day we've had today. A messy bench means a productive day in these parts. A napping babe and some uninterrupted time getting ones hands dirty are a rather blissful combination I think. I have some new designs in mind once I have finished the orders I'm currently working on. And a delivery of silver smithing supplies tomorrow is eagerly anticipated. Thanks for the great response to the sale thus far.

The house has now returned to some semblance of normality after the party and Cohen and I have been quite busy with wooden puzzles and new birthday toys. He was such a very lucky and spoilt little man in the present department, that is for sure. There has also been quite a lot of 'cooking' in his kitchen and chasing of the remaining balloons about the house. Such simple and wonderful things are balloons. 

Tonight I'm looking forward to a dinner of Cesar salad, a glass of wine and time spent with the dear old crochet hook and a ball of yarn. Hope your evening is just as relaxing.
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