Sunday, April 1, 2012

One month old

One month

One month

One month

(on Tuesday) and her first big smiles emerged on Friday. Those flashes of bright eyed, open mouthed, gummy smiles? Be still my heart.

Life with two children has settled into a rhythm. I'm trying not to hold on to it too tightly though, knowing how quickly it can change. This little one loves her milk, is happiest being held or worn, sleeps well at night and then cluster feeds in the morning. She's fond of baths, though hates the act of being dressed, which is best achieved as quickly as possible. She's long in body and those little feet are so long too. She loves to watch her brother and placidly receives his attentions, from loving cuddles to being 'helped' to grip his finger. She met her Grandparents this week and bridges are being mended. She's such a relaxed little one, perhaps helped because I'm more relaxed this time around as well. 

And for now, she and Cohen both nap at lunch time...
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