Saturday, July 28, 2012

Five months old

5 months

5 months

5 months

5 months

5 months

5 months

5 months

Those eyes, that grin! Emerson really is such a bundle of joy. Cooing, giggling, smiling, snuggling (and occasionally grizzling too.) At five months of age she is fully occupied with the task of tasting and feeling everything. Anything within reach is brought to her mouth. Toys, paper, Mama's scarf. When nothing is in reach, her hands will do. Or her dress. Or blanket.

She has been happily sleeping in her own room this past month. A bittersweet transition. I loved having her in our room with us. The day I was contemplating moving the bassinet out of our room, Emerson came down with her second cold in two weeks. It was worse than the first. I was thankful to still be able to squeeze her in to the bassinet and keep a close eye on her throughout the night. She is generally still waking twice a night for a feed and sometimes calls out another two or three times, looking for her lost dummy. She naps at least twice throughout the day. It amazes me at times, the level of noise she can sleep through - generated by her 3.5 year old brother. By mid afternoon she is sometimes unsettled and even being held - her first love - is not enough to calm her. Often, the best thing to do is take her for a walk. Sometimes, knowing that she is upset, Cohen will sing to her, and she will watch him with quiet adoration. It is a love that goes both ways.

One, two, three and four months old.
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