Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Anything is possible

I love my prints of Belinda Kemp's work. Belinda has a Pozible campaign running to support her dream of attending an artist camp in Sweden. I have pledged in order to help that dream come true. Click over to www.pozible.com/archive/index/17185 to find out
On the wall in my studio, three of Belinda's beautiful prints

I think being a maker has given me a better appreciation for the creative work of others. All that passion, skill and time. I can't help but want to support them. So many of the women I admire are creative Mama's. Belinda Kemp is one such artist, and I have long been drawn to her soothing work and use of mixed media. This past year has been an extremely difficult time in her life and her creative work has helped give her a focus. I can't imagine the strength she has needed during this period. Her goal has been to attend an artist camp in Sweden and she has created a pozible account to help fund this dream. I'm all for making dreams come true. Especially for someone as deserving as Belinda. There were tears in my eyes as I watched this clip.

(Pledges begin at $10, and all pledges come with rewards.)
More info here.
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