'Made By Hand' is a weekly creative show and tell, with an aim to foster community, conversation and inspiration.
My aim is to craft a life of homemade, home grown happiness. So, what are you creating right now? Join in by leaving a link below.

My crafting this week has been all but consumed by my market plans. I'm gaining a much better appreciation for all those makers who sell their crafts at markets. I am slowly discovering all that goes on behind the scenes. My days have been spent working at the bench and wrangling children, while my nights are spent writing lists, placing orders, stamping bags, cutting lengths of string, trying to guess how much stock I will need and budgeting for new business cards and packaging. I am thoroughly enjoying the process, despite the lack of personal crafting. I did manage to finish the Twin Leaf Loop for myself - right in time for Spring. I'm itching to start another knitting project, but with one cardigan still on my needles, I think I need to make an effort towards finishing it first... at least in time for next Winter.
What have you been making this week?
Leave your link below!