Monday, July 28, 2014

Feeding Your Creativity

1. u-tsu-wa exhibition at Paper Boat Press
2. My purchases
4. Practicing my letters at the Flora Lovely Calligraphy workshop at the Showroom
5. Gorgeous succulents by The Small Garden at the Showroom
6. Pretties at the Showroom

I have learnt that creativity must be fed. However, it's an idea that is easily overlooked when juggling work, family and life. It's difficult to thrive in the dark, to find inspiration in a void, or work in isolation. Rather, doing and seeing things that enrich and inspire you not only enables you to expand your skills, but informs your own artistic practice in new ways. Sometimes it's about appreciating the work of other creative people, other times it is about stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new. I had both such experiences this past weekend, visiting the fascinating u-tsu-wa exhibition and meeting the artists; as well as taking part in a wonderful calligraphy workshop. It was such a creatively satisfying weekend and I am keen to get back to work this week at the bench. 

So my lovely readers, I encourage you to visit a gallery or sign up for a workshop and cultivate your creativity too!
I'd love to hear where else you find inspiration, and how you feed your creativity.
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