Tuesday, March 10, 2015

9 Months Old - Oscar

My third baby seems like less and less of a baby everyday! Nine months old and this little darling is commando crawling after his brother and sister, pulling himself up on the furniture and pulling things out of drawers. His shirts have a permanent stain on them from where his tummy rubs along the floor, as one arm and one leg do most of the crawling work. He has a pair of go-go-Gadget arms that can reach an astonishingly long way, so that he is always surprising me with the things he manages to grab, despite my thinking they are out of his reach.

He is an avid floor-food eater, a lover of cats tails and a connoisseur of squeezey food pouches - he grabs hold of them and all but inhales them! He is still the most refluxey baby I have ever met, but it doesn't both him, and as you can see he is not underweight. He is still awaiting his first tooth, though his top right tooth is the most likely candidate and puts him in a fussy mood at times. He still feeds up to four times a night, which I like to think has something to do with the teething... Though third time around I am much more used to being awoken at night and I feel like I have had a full nights sleep if I only get woken twice.

Did I mention I could eat him all up! Those chubby thighs, that ticklish double chin, that tummy that's just made for blowing raspberries on! He is a delicious little one for sure.


Here's Miss Emerson as a delightful 9 month old.
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