Friday, October 30, 2015

Taking Stock In October

Making : animals from play dough, sticks and leaves with the children
Eating : blueberries, when the kids haven't eaten them all first
Drinking : less wine, and buying flowers for the garden instead
Reading: about homeschooling, and incorporating those ideas in to the experiences I plan with the children, and the way I handle school homework
Wanting: to make the most of the cooler evenings before Summer comes and makes the nights uncomfortable.
Looking: at all the pretty things in Frankie and Country Style magazines
Playing: rocket ships, robots and water play with my imaginative toddler.
Deciding: my garden needs more flowers
Wishing: I had a cleaner who would take care of the dishes and the bathroom for me - least favourite jobs
Enjoying: feeding the ducks with little friends
Waiting: with excitement for the photo shoot images to be ready, while trying not to rush the photographer!
Liking: rainy mornings that make me want to stay in bed and read all day
Wondering: what would happen if I just DID THAT, just stayed in bed all day, the world would keep turning, right...
Loving: seeing my jewellery being worn by lovely ladies
Pondering: my goals for the next five years
Planning: Photoshoots for next year already 
Buying: stationary online - thus avoiding shopping with the little ones and impulse buys...
Listening: to the new podcast - Thrive By Design
Hoping: my sister gets her job promotion
Marvelling: at the way my oxygen bottle runs out in the middle of soldering a project and never at the end
Taking: time to rock my baby to sleep and then just sit with him in my arms and breathe him in for awhile before putting him down
Needing: a hair cut - thank goodness for messy buns
Questioning: whether to decorate for Halloween this year?
Smelling: wet leaves and cool breezes
Wearing: a pair of my 'Travelling Companion' Studs, and loving them
Following: The Black Hen on Instagram, and wishing I could pop over to Tasmania and wander around their gorgeous store
Noticing: the Jacarandas in bloom all over the neighbourhood
Knowing: that our Mulberry season is over, but there is still a stash in the freezer
Thinking: that there will be another Mulberry Crumble happening soon
Admiring: 50 of poetry's most poignant lines
Sorting: out all of my paper work and finally getting it all up to date. Phew! (Now to keep it that way)
Meaning: to cull the number of newsletters I get in my inbox
Bookmarking: Ellie's blog for A Week Of Slow
Coveting: half the Kikki K store
Opening: bills and bills and bills and bills
Giggling: at the way Miss three says, 'once uponce a time'
Feeling: so good about going to yoga one night a week and making it a habit
Snacking: on honey Macadamia nuts. Yum!
Trying: to get my book club book read... 
Hearing: 'Happier' by Gretchen Rubin - which I have been binge-listening too and loving! So good! Start at episode one and go and listen right now, ok?!


Joining In with Pip to take stock.
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