Saturday, November 28, 2009

I made this... mess?

Is it the fate of sewing and craft rooms to get messy? Or is it just mine? Can you remember where you put things and never loose anything? Or do you find things by accident?
Me, oh no, never. My room is immaculate and everything organised... ahem...
I found the elastic.
In a perfectly reasonable place...
in with the fabric pens.

"Yes husband, I do need all this junk, yes I can (sort of) find everything. The room just gets messy when I am making things... which is a lot of the time...
Oh look, I finished these yoga pants from Pips book, aren't they cute? Are you hungry darling? Come into the kitchen...."
And, to further justify any mess, this is a sneak peek of a little Christmas present I made yesterday too.
I love a book that you can make two projects out of in two days...
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