Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I remember when I was pregnant with Cohen and waiting to meet my baby, my mind was so full of dreams and wishes for him. Health. Love. Happiness. I would try to imagine how he would look. What he would be like. Who he would grow to be. And of all the things I wished for him, there were two things I secretly hoped we would share a love for, art and books.
From the first day we brought him home, we would read to him. Whether during tummy time, or as he was falling asleep, I read to him each day. As he got older we would sit together and I would read to him. Books from my childhood, books gifted to us by loved ones, library books. But by the time his second birthday came, he was no longer interested in reading with me. He would take the book off me and play with it or put it away. He would shut the book while I was reading or simply walk away. I hoped that it was just a phase and not a sign that he really wouldn't love books after all. I know it is probably too soon to tell. But I was concerned none the less. There are always so many little things one can worry about and I am one to over think...
Recently though, Cohen has fallen in love with a book called 'Grug has a birthday' by Ted Prior. I read it to him and he asks me to read it several more times and points to everything in the book. I ask him to read it back to me and he flicks through the pages making sound effects for the actions or asking questions. He carries the book around with him. He takes it to bed at night. And will even hold that book while I read another book to him.
Funny how quickly they change and how soon you have something else to worry about.
His love of art though has never been a concern.
Cohen's first canvas. A special gift for Dada for Fathers Day.
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