Wednesday, January 4, 2012


New sofa approval

Today's thrifty finds

Cohen's self portrait with hair

Book club reading


Yesterday I was stood on our back deck, overlooking the work going on below, as palm trees are cut down and carted away to make way for fruit trees. I found myself lost in thought regarding our plans and dreams and how far we have come this past year. Last year selling our house to move away from the coast and closer to the City was just a dream. As was overcoming my thyroid problems and becoming pregnant, or buying a high set house with a big yard and room for a studio underneath. Together Dave and I have traversed many obstacles. We worked hard. We stay focused. We supported each other. And now, here we are, living those dreams.

We are shaping this house into our home. Renovating, nesting, building. Planning on investing in solar panels and water tanks. Creating a garden for vegetables, herbs, fruit trees and chickens, so that we can live closer to nature, be in tune with our seasons and teach our children the same. I've made a connection with a lot of bloggers lately who are of a similar frame of mind. Who wish to slow down, spend less, live intentionally and appreciate more fully all that they have. It seems to be a reaction to a number of things. Our imprint on the environment, work/life balance, the cost of living, our dreams for our children's futures, to name but a few. I'm incredibly inspired by the likes of Rhonda, KateAmanda and Tania.

Already Cohen recognises basil and picks and eats it as we wander around the garden. Something I couldn't do until I was in my 20's. Living at the coast I felt I was in a sort of limbo, now I feel more purpose. I feel more at home and I am excited about the future. And in two months we shall be welcoming a new member to our family for which I am unimaginably grateful. 

I look forward to welcoming more change.
What are you looking forward to?
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