Saturday, July 6, 2013

Sisters, Naps and Somersaults

Pretty weeds and vintage medicine and poison bottles. #cornersofmyhome
I've been at a loose end these past few days. I can't shake the feeling that I should be doing 'something', but I'm unable to pin point exactly what that might be. Despite the ever present to-do list, I have lost my motivation, which leads to feelings of guilt. I've also been feeling the need to slow down, listen to my body and not do much of anything. I think it's a mixture of Winter blues, broken sleep and extra night feeds with Emerson - who is teething, as well as the challenges of raising a four year old. Oh, how beautiful and frustrating four year old boys can be! I have been trying to ignore the guilt and give myself permission to rest. We have been staying home, pottering, cleaning, playing, drawing and knitting.
And while it has been just what I needed, after a few days the guilt crept in about keeping the children at home with me, and not taking them out to do 'something'. So yesterday, I bundled us off to my sisters house for the day. A beautiful, sunny day. While my guilt was allayed, my tiredness was not. Darling sister that she is, she let me sneak off for a nap while she amused the children. That afternoon all four of us were doing somersaults on a Yoga mat on the lounge room floor. The children's eyes lit up and the house filled with laughter. Have you ever seen a four year old and a sixteen month old trying to do somersaults?! It's the most precious and amusing thing.
Thank goodness for sisters, naps and somersaults.
Happy weekend dear readers.

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