Yesterday as the sun shone and Spring became the official season, we celebrated Father's Day with mini golf and a family lunch. Mini golf with two little ones and my golf loving husband was such fun and so amusing. Emerson tottered about the course, ball in hand, dragging my putter behind her. Cohen took great delight in the challenges of the game and was quite pleased to have the highest score at the end. While my gorgeous husband only beat me by two shots - with a minimum of cheating on my behalf, that I choose to call a handicap. (He had to sink the ball in the black holes, which were the most difficult, while I could choose which ever of the three holes I could get the ball closest to.)
It was such a beautiful day. My heart was so full of love and pride. Dave couldn't have been happier with our choice of celebrations (unless of course he had been able to squeeze in a surf first).
I hope my fellow Aussies had a wonderful Father's Day and first day of Spring!
It seems not so very long ago that we celebrated our first Father's Day.