Monday, January 27, 2014

One more sleep

'Construction Zone' Kids Exhibition at Ipswich Art Gallery
Exploring in Ipswich with Cohen and Emerson

The days have been wearing away as days do, until now there is only one sleep before my first born starts school. Cohen is filled with joy. Each new artifact that signifies school has been examined, carried around, shown to visitors and carefully practiced with - from water bottles to lunch boxes, book pack to uniform. It is all new and exciting. Having myself been a stay at home Mother since his birth, he has never attended child care or kindy, and I have had the pleasure, joy and frustration of having my dear boy with me these past five years. I believe it was the right decision for all of us. He is an outgoing, social, chatty, friendly five year old and he is so ready for school. He is full of curiosity and questions, loves the company of other children, loves books, craft and sport. (He's also a little chatterbox, and he is going to have to learn about quiet time, as it is one lesson he has as yet refused to learn!)

I am going to miss the quiet rhythm and freedom of our days until now, which shall be replaced by the routines of school. I thought I would manage the first day of school without tears, but now I'm not so sure. My, how quickly they grow.

On to a new phase of parenthood.
New challenges and joys.
Wish me luck and hand me a tissue...
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