Thursday, November 27, 2014

Salmon and Spinach Pasta for the Spirit

I read recently that the times you need to slow down the most, are the times when you don't have time to do so. The concept struck it's mark with me and most likely resonates with you too. I had been feeling overwhelmed by my to do list, the fridge full of invitations, the calender scribbled with events, the list of custom work on the whiteboard. I realised that the only way I could keep all the plates spinning was by taking time out for myself and not exchanging food preparation time with bench time. So I have committed to a weekly yoga class (bliss!) and am making more effort in the kitchen.

I have a bad habit on bench days of running upstairs to eat lunch while the children sleep, and resorting to a cup of two minute noodles before heading down to the bench again. Yesterday I made myself this beautiful pasta instead, which took an extra ten minutes, but was delicious and satisfying and good for my spirit. It's funny how we change as we grow - five years ago I ate neither spinach nor salmon, and now they are two of my favourite foods!

Makes two servings.

Salmon and Spinach Pasta

A handful of tubular Spaghetti (or whatever you've got)
1/2 lemon - juiced
A spoon full of sun dried tomatoes
A spoon full of capers
A spoon full of sliced black olives (or whatever else you love)
Two handfuls of baby spinach leaves (and/or rocket leaves)
A tin of roasted salmon in springwater
Olive oil

Boil water with a pinch of salt and add pasta. Cook until al dente and drain all but a quarter of a cup of water. Return to low heat and add lemon juice, tomatoes, capers, olives, spinach leaves, salmon and a sprinkle of olive oil. Stir through over low heat until spinach has wilted.

Serve and enjoy!

Simple, delicious and filling for lunch or dinner.
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