Loving: being 26 weeks pregnant
Admiring: the hand knitted cardigan and woolen blanket I thrifted yesterday
Making: embroidered linen Christmas napkins
Reading: Several books from the library, including 'Raising Boys' (again) and 'Possum Magic'
Eating: home made scones with home made jam - yum!
Grateful: for a cool, overcast day so far, after all this heat
Excited: about doing a Resin ring and bangle workshop, meeting a friends new baby and visiting the new Matisse exhibition this weekend
Apprehensive: unwelcome and upsetting news from my thyroid specialist yesterday, which means more doctors, specialists and tests, to care for the baby and myself
Trying: not to be overcome by the news or focus on the worse case scenarios
Thankful: for the support and love of family and friends on this journey