Sunday, April 8, 2012

Wellington Point

Wellington point

Wellington point

Wellington point

Wellington point

Wellington point

Wellington point

Wellington point

Next time we'll walk all the way to King Island. Yesterday, the journey seemed more important than the destination and we stayed on the sand bar, absorbed in the details.

Coming home I felt reinvigorated, refreshed, by the sand between my toes and the breeze on my skin. My legs ached, my back reminded me of the baby I'd been carrying, but I felt a calmness within that's difficult to describe. We spoke of home. What it means to us. How the house makes us feel 'good.' The house feels like 'home.' The potential that has been fulfilled and that which lays waiting. The feeling of welcome I notice each time I walk in the door. 

And I recognised my luck again. A piece of my heart sitting in the driver's seat and strapped into two seats behind. This journey we are sharing.
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