Sunday, May 19, 2013


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013." Che and Fidel.

Cohen: He has had a runny nose these past few days and has been all about cuddles, sleep and comfort.
Emerson: She has been teething again this week and has been all about cuddles, sleeplessness and comfort.

I'm cheating, more than a little this week, with multiple photos. While my little monkeys were playing on this big blue chair I picked up my camera in an attempt to snap their portraits. While I did capture them individuallye, the photos that really spoke to me were the ones where they were playing together, so relaxed and at ease in each others company, with so much love for each other. Makes a Mamas heart fit to burst.


Two of my favourites from last week were - Ruby Hoppen and Lamb Loves Fox.
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