Saturday, November 9, 2013


These crazy kids. :) #neveradullmoment
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013." Che and Fidel.

Cohen and Emerson: When play turns into cuddles

Despite being pregnant with our third child and looking forward to our family growing in number, lately I'd quite happily auction off both my darling children! The duality of Motherhood! You know I love them madly. And I have tried to remain patient. I have gotten down on their level. I have arbitrated their arguments  I have repeated myself two hundred times. I have bribed. I have rewarded. I have tactically ignored. But the list of misdeeds has been steadily growing. From Cohen wrapping an iron cord around his neck at my parents house and giving himself rope burn, to Emerson continually emptying the contents of any available drawer on to the floor - bathroom, bedroom, cutlery, pantry, fridge. From Cohen intentionally getting his face to within one centimeter of a hot electric frypan and almost giving himself a permanent burn mustache  to Cohen punching Emerson in the leg for not sharing. Not to mention finding the potty intended for Emerson full of an almost five year old's wee... 

Then there are the usual dinner frustrations, selective hearing, fake crying, whinging and tantrums. Sound familiar? And when it all got too much, I popped Emerson in the sling, handed Cohen his scooter and went for a walk. 

Sometimes it is hard. Sometimes I want to have a tantrum too. Sometimes I want to go for a walk by myself, but there is no one else to care for them, so I have to work through it. Sometimes I want to sleep in, shower alone, talk uninterrupted on the phone.

And then they cuddle and kiss and I melt. 
And despite the frustrations, there is just love.
And I can't wait to add another little mischief maker to our family.
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