Saturday, December 14, 2013


Satisfied Mind - Iolite

Reading: The fascinating Snowflower and the secret fan Lisa See

Celebrating: A fifth birthday! With Lego, Octonauts and friends and cake at the park.

Admiring: Parsley flowers from the veggie patch.

Making: New pieces for the upcoming French Market.

Noticing: How quickly the days are being counted off our advent.

Treasuring: Our handmade Christmas decorations - who can help but feel a little sentimental at this time of year?

Sharing: In the children's amazement at the baby and Mama birds

Grateful: Everyday for my beautiful family - and loving this darling portrait Cohen drew of us

Growing: My first ever hydrangea blooms! After loosing two hydrangea plants and watching this little shrub not flower for two years, I had all but given up hope.

Excited: By the flutters and somersaults I've been feeling in quiet moment this past week, as the little one reaches 16 weeks.

I'm of a mind to potter lately. Be it the warm weather, the second trimester, or the time of the year. I am content to spend my days at home with small forays into the outside world. Making and pottering, making and pottering. I'm determined to go slow and not get caught up in the hectic pace this season offers. So far, so good.

Are things winding down or gearing up for you?
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