Friday, February 14, 2014

25 Week Bump

25 week bump. Third time around and I haven't started preparing anything yet! I think around 35 weeks I'll be moving the bassinet in to our room and sorting through the baby clothes. :) #25weekspregnant #babybump

The bump is now 25 weeks, and like his little sister did, this bubba is taking advantage of the available space to twirl, dance, kick and wiggle. My bump looks very much like it did last time too (with Emerson at 25 weeks), though this pregnancy 'feels' more like my first one. I feel like it's a boy, but we are waiting until the birth to find out. What a wonder and surprise that moment is. I can't wait.

Third time around and I haven't organised a thing at home yet. I'm quite sure at this stage with both my other babies I would have had nurseries done and clothes ready. But this time I feel no hurry. Around 35 weeks I think we will bring the bassinet in to our room and stow an old wicker basket beneath it for babies clothes and sort through the bags of baby clothes and memories I have saved. 

There are so many little moments I love about being pregnant that I shall miss, as this is our last. So many little things to record and remember. Yesterday, Cohen and Emerson both crawled in to bed for early morning cuddles and we spoke about the baby. Cohen can't wait to meet him/her at the hospital, like he did with Emerson, and "hold it and kiss it just like this", as he delicately kissed me all over my cheek.

In the meantime I feel full of creative energy and inspiration. I am enjoying the current pace, which I know will begin to slow all too soon, and new rhythms and routines will be found with a baby in the house once more.
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