Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Margaret Olley Art Center


Homeward bound from our weekend away, there was only one thing on my agenda - visiting the Margaret Olley Art Center. However, by the time we arrived at the Tweed Regional Gallery in Murwillumbah there were three sleeping children in the back seat of the car. My loving husband dutifully stayed with them and allowed me to soak in as much of a the exhibition as I could in a small window of time. 

What a delight it was to stand before the golden framed Olley's. What a thrill to poke my head in to the reconstructed rooms full of her eclectic treasures. What a joy to gaze out gallery windows at caramel coloured cows grazing on rolling meadows. I snapped away on my iPhone camera, trying to preserve my memories of the place, despite my rush. I brought three books at the gallery store, wanting to further immerse myself in Olley's work and life. I started to send Dave a message, "I never want to leave", but he called with a crying baby before I could hit send.

Oh, lovely gallery. I shall return.
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